Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Tribute to My Queen!!!

My mother is a phenomenal.  Her great light and energy flows through and around me constantly.  I am greatful to have known such an elegant, eloquent and all around fantabulous woman.  My mother wasn't about wallowing in death... she would rather we be partying hard.  She had a zest for life even toward the end.

My mother lived life to the fullest.  I remember never being lost we were just on an adventure.  She could make life... just fun!  My Queen Gorgeous!

When I thought I was being punished for being taught life skills early.  My mother and I grew into a very honest and open relationship.  I was being primed and trained to be great!

We talked openly and honesty about everything except her mental illness.  Growing up we, my family and I knew something was quite not right.

She is such a beautiful spirit that you wanted to overlook that inner pain.  As I got older and received therapy I started to feel better about myself and understood my mother better.  I'm an advocate for having someone to talk to.  Someone to share your deepest fears with, without feeling like there is going to be any form of retaliation.

There are tons of resources, church, support groups and like minded and honest and open friends.

My mother was ultra talented... what made her most happy was rippin and runnin the streets, saving people and herself.  She has been on an eternal journey to seek peace and what makes her smile.  She always sought light and pure love.

I know she found it and basking in the glory of it all.

If your parents, guardians whomever graced you with their presence to render you ready for the world...  where do y'all stand.  Have you hit the hammer on the nail?  Did you get your smootches and hugs?  Do they know the value they hold in your heart?  Why not take that time now?  What's stopping you?  A hug takes less than a second.

Have you asked questions about your family history, why did she try to run that man over?   Who was presumed gay?  What were some great talents that seem to run in the family????

Get your hammer and hit it over the nail of truth!  Get it now and love and forgive always!

I am pleased with your creations mommy!  Thank you GinaMaria Jalaai.  Give thanks!

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